Thursday, June 6, 2013

And now we join Season 4... already in progress.

Welcome to Season 4 at the PRGC! This first blog of the season comes after the beginning. Seeds have been started. Gardens have been reset. Many tomatoes have been planted. Greens have been cut and made into many salads.

This year, we once again, have had an increase in members who are all energetic and excited about the veggies in our future.  The work parties so far have been very successful. Each sunday there have been multiple groups around the garden getting a lot of plants in the ground. 

An issue with peppers lead to the little or no growth of the seedlings. However, the coop came through and many members brought their favorite pepper plants from local stores and we should have a stellar pepper crop. The cause for the failure of the seedlings has not been determined. 

It has been a dry season so far and the cisterns are empty so we are hoping for some moisture. We are hoping for a lot of moisture. RAIN ALREADY! Though, please... no hail. But spirits are high and the playground is in full swing with happy kids every weekend and there is talk of bringing out the swimming pool anyway. 

More chickens around this year and a new installation of beehives in the back five have added some new welcome visitors. 

Just about everything is in the ground. The crops have been changed to help fit need or demand and we hope to refine that this year as well. Though apparently there is no such thing as too many tomatoes. 

So, the weeding portion of the season should begin shortly which means the beginning of the Thursday night Weed and Beers. 


  1. So can Jennifer and I throw some flower seeds around now?

    You know... for the bees?? :)

  2. I think flowers would be great. Especially now with all the rain we got.

  3. We planted flowers (a bee mix and a wildflower mix) last Sunday, in the row closest to the river.
